Sunday, December 7, 2008
Hello. ok some random stuff cos really nothing better to do.HAHA. o.0TODAY IS TVB8金曲颁奖礼 IN HONG KONG. WAD DOES THIS THING GOT TO DO WITH ME??? COS LOLLIPOP MANAGED TO WIN THE 最佳组合奖!!! I REALLY RANDOM.. =.=Congratulations 棒棒堂!!!!! den i jus went to bathe den come out watch pps online.. den SAW 棒棒堂 received the award!! COOL MAN. they very very busy.. yesterday they performed at 金馬獎頒獎典禮 den fly to hk for autograph session in the morning den at night go to the TVB8金曲颁奖礼!! AND AND THEY 超帥的!!! yesterday they walked the red carpet and seriously 棒棒堂帥氣十足 especially with their hair extensions when they re performaing!!! Their performance jus ROCKS.. MUAHAHA.. they performed quite well!! WELL DONE!! alright i will stop my lollipop-ings here. post some photos!!! =D bye~~

8:41 PM
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Hello. Yesterday went to 6INTEGRITY'08 CLASS GATHERING CHALET!!!! Actually i had choir practice until 1pm. JUS thtt the conductor was late and drag the whole practice to 2PM!!! den i need to leave early and rush to take train to Tanah Merah for the shuttle bus which leave at 2.30pm!! lucky i reached there jus in time or ELSE I WILL BE LIKE KAI WEN WAIT FOR VERY VERY LONG FOR THE 3.30PM BUS!
Some of dem remain unchange and some if u nv look closely u will nv know who thtt person is.. haha. very different i can say. We went there to play bowling and arcade... although quite waste money.... i enjoyed myself la.. den we play until like 5 plus den is like RAINING!!! OH GOSH!! DEN NEED TO WAIT FOR THE RAIN TO STOP. WE ALL STAYED IN THE CHALET ROOM WATCH TVVVVV.. HAHA. DEN ABT 7PM LIKE THTT THE RAIN STOP den we prepare the stuff for bbq. The 1st attempt of setting the fire FAILED and they went to THROW THE BURNING CHARCOAL INTO THE DUSTBIN!! THE BIN ALMOST CAUGHT FIRE LUCKY WE POUR LOTS OF WATER IN. HAHA.
2nd attempt was quite successful but it was 8.30pm den. The food took very long to cook and we were so hungry den keep drinking soft drinks. haha. She Lao Shi went too with her 2 nephews. haha. the eat alot seriously but she lao shi didnt eat anything den left abt 9 plus like thtt. Before she left we had a CLASS PHOTO!!! WOOTS.. although not THE FULL WHOLE CLASS..... but it was 2 years ago when we had our last class photo!! o.0
Den until 10.25pm like thtt we need to go to CATCH THE LAST SHUTTLE BUS TO MRT STATION!! but by the time we reached there THE BUS HAD JUS LEFT!!! =.= OH GOSH HAD TO CALL TAXI BUT ZIRUI'S FATHER SO GOOD DRIVE US HOME!!! THANKS!!! den reached home abt 11.30pm like thtt.. den went to slp so today den post. haha. alright i continue my videos!! BYE~~~
but here re the class photos!
10:15 PM